Systems In Action
Over the course of the last 12 years across our region, we’ve been implementing evidence-based frameworks into our schools to improve effectiveness and efficiency to better reach our youth.
Collaboration ARCH
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, the Trauma Learning Policy Institute, and Lesley University have contributed to a model that has the capacity to organize cross-sector work. Collaborating around the core domains of human development offers a workable simplification of deep theory. There are many useful models that can explore facets of the ARCH more deeply—for example, CASEL’s use of SEL expounds upon Self-Regulation and Attachment; other work can extend the range of ARCH more broadly, such as the work of the University of Chicago asking about “What do we mean by success in young adulthood?” Some theories are service sector-specific. The ARCH provides room for what Lesley University calls a “Flexible Framework” for integration, alignment, and simplification.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports
There are many types of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. Educators may be aware of Response to Intervention and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports; in early childhood learning, the use of the Pyramid Model is gaining traction in New York. Public Health and Mental Health operate with concepts of Promotion and Prevention, Early Intervention, and Treatment. The Justice System is organized with a hierarchy of offenses from violations, to misdemeanors to felonies.
Tiers across service sectors provide organizational constructs that help to answer questions like, “Who?” and “How much or how often?”
We use the Tiered Fidelity Inventory to measure the quality of an MTSS within a school. A strong MTSS can optimize school and community resources, includes student and parent voice and provides clear decision rules that build a culture of competence where caring people can do the most good.
MTSS Round Table - December 2nd, 2020
On December 2nd, 2020, dozens of educators from the region came together virtually to discuss best practices and to learn about new opportunities available for schools using the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support model.
Culturally Responsive
When we ignore tough issues like race, we fail our children and our families. Bland generalizations of “I love all my children” or “everyone is the same to me” are platitudes that fail young people facing real barriers to equitable access. We will not close the opportunity gap experienced by too many young people without an honest understanding that bias is real. Bias unchecked leads to prejudice. Prejudice and power combined are the hammer and anvil of racism that chain the futures of our children. No amount of trauma-responsive work will impact our most vulnerable young people if honest engagement with issues of bias and prejudice are ignored.