Student Focused
Provide educational programs and presentations:
Adolescent Development, Personal Hygiene, Healthy Habits Course, Anti-Vaping and Nicotine Cessation, Dental Health, Safe Dates, Love Notes, Positive Potential, and more.
Help match available resources to student needs.
Promote optimal student health in and out of school.
District Focused
Integrate Optimal Health into the school setting.
Integrate health & wellness into MTSS/PBIS systems.
Connect community resources to meet District needs.
Work to improve school attendance rates.
Support Community School Advisory Committees.
Participate in district wellness committee meetings.
Family & Community
Organize healthy family activities for out-of-school time, including walking contests and healthy coloring contests.
Connect families to local health and wellness resources including Gardening Clubs, Nutrition Education, the LIFT Project, Mobile Mammograms, Mobile Dentists, and more.
Promote engaging, health-targeted programs and resources for young children.